Racing Thoughts – Stop Them and Enjoy Life

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Stop Racing Thoughts

Christian Therapy Online

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When racing thoughts, panic attacks or anxiety arises, one technique which psychology teaches is grounding or centering. You use these techniques to slow down racing thoughts and get back to baseline. Often times anxiety, racing thoughts and panic attacks are the result of irrational thinking. Grounding/centering techniques remind us that the thoughts are not real. We are over exaggerating the importance of the thoughts and feel there is no solution to the grave outcomes ahead. We make the thoughts bigger than ourselves. In a state of panic we know we must stop these racing thoughts to feel normal again, but how? One technique is the 5-4-3-2-1 technique. With this technique we become aware of our surroundings which helps us slow down these racing thoughts. The key to this technique is to do it slowly. It takes a little practice, but it is effective.

Experience Real Peace

As Christians we know that God is in control of all things. However, as our thoughts race, we don’t think of God’s word and His promises therein. If we do think of God during these times, it’s a feeble plea for help. “Oh God, help me” never thinking He will respond. We argue with ourselves that He is too busy, doesn’t care, our problem is not big enough, or, more than likely, WE are not good enough. “Why would God help a miserable person like me?” Why? Because He loves you and does not want you to live like this forever. 

God’s Promises

As previously mentioned, God’s word is full of promises. You may say those promises were for a particular time or a specific people. In some instances that is true, but we can still extract the principles God uses and apply them to our situation or circumstance. In many instances those promises are for us. Verses like; Fear not (Isaiah 43:1 and about 73 other verses), do not be anxious (Philippians 4:6), and peace be with you (John 14:27), are a few examples of God’s promises for all of us. 

Enjoy Safe Surroundings

Allow me to share another promise with you: Trust God. In Psalm 37:3 it says, “Trust in the Lord, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed” (KJV). Other versions of this text read, “…and enjoy safe pasture”. That means God will protect you! The almighty God who created the universe and every minute thing in it cares about you. He doesn’t want you to suffer with anxiety and panic attacks. Rather, God desires that you live safely in your land. Isn’t that awesome!

Continue reading the rest of this chapter and see how God desires to give you good things. Consequently, He will destroy the wicked. Doesn’t that give you peace of mind and make you feel better?

Trust God

I encourage you to “Trust in the Lord and do good…” as we do this, those thoughts that we made bigger than ourselves don’t look so daunting.

Draw closer to God and He will draw closer to you (James 4:8). Hmmm… sounds like another promise.

If you want professional help for your racing thoughts, panic attacks and anxiety go to our website Christian Therapy and click on the orange button “Schedule Your Session Now”. Step Into a New You